Thursday, March 15, 2007

RIP Nettie's Nest

Wow, this place died rather suddenly, didn't it? It's been a long time without an update or even a sign of life from me!

It seems that adult life has finally caught up with me and I now have less time for leisure and a broader range of interests to indulge in that limited 'me' time. Yes, it happens to everyone one day.

While I continue to be an avid fan of Naruto (I'm lovin' Shippuuden, by the way!) I no longer have the same amount of time or even the inclination to write so extensively about it.

Therefore, this is my goodbye. There will be no more updates. I figured it's time to let this place rest in peace.

Here is a final gift to any fangirls (or really gay fanboys! ^^;;) who visit this place:
Free Image Hosting at
A minimalistic, pink Naruto wallpaper I made! Hope you like!

I will keep this blog up, rather than deleting it, because it contains some lovely links for you peoples.

As for me, I've almost finished my IT course and I'm thinking of training as a librarian. I've always loved libraries. With my admirable intelligence and extensive knowledge of all things literate, I think it will suit me.

I hope you all live long and happy lives and continue to enjoy Naruto, as I do! So long and thanks for all the fish.