11 kinds of Naruto fanfics I'm tired of
and their cruddy summaries
Why 11? Because I thought of 1 more than 10.
and their cruddy summaries
Why 11? Because I thought of 1 more than 10.
Typical high school fic
Sasuke is the most popular guy in school... Overdone much?
So many AU fics are set in high school. 90% of them follow the same damn plot and are never completed.
Gravitation-like band fic *pukes*
Naruto, Kiba and Gaara are in a band! ... SNORE.
I despise these fics. The very idea of Naruto characters beating on drums and playing guitars puts me off straight away.
Masked Naruto fic
Naruto is tired of hiding behind his mask... *insert tear drop*
Hello! Naruto's not a genius. That's why he rocks! He's determined to prove himself worthy, so why would he hide his genius? The whole idea is a ridiculous excuse to change Naruto's personality and appearance.
WTF OCs fic
Janie, Star and Raven are thrown into the Naruto world! ... ¬_¬''
Too many of these for my liking. They're always crappily written and the inserted characters are snore-worthy. Mary Sues. Bah!
Suck-at-summary fic
I suck at summaries LOL ... *cue to ignore fic*
Why do so many people say that in their summaries? It basically translates to "I suck at writing". I never read fics with that bullshit in the summary.
Pukesome Naru-chan fic
Naru-chan is a beautiful princess ... *insert inane, cutesy crap*
Jesus, I think I'd prefer even SasuSaku over this! Naru, Naruko, etc are shite names. FemNaru sucks. So does girly-uke!Naruto. Naruto does NOT look like a girl.
Dumbass fic
naruot,is raypedby ,villajers,whatwill saskeu do!!!! ... Retard.
Barely literate people and the under 12's write shit fanfiction. A few spelling mistakes I can handle, but sometimes it goes far beyond that.
Too-much-fox fic
Naruto is the golden nine-tailed demon fox of legend! ... Bet this fic sucks.
These fics where Naruto is or becomes the 'King Fox' (or whatever) look just plain corny to me. I don't mind Kyuubi, but Naruto as a genius/beautiful hanyou? C'mon! Urgh, and when the author decides to make Naruto's hair long and flowing? *gags*
Emo Naruto fic
Naruto is sick of life and being hated, so he cuts himself... ROFL As if!
Naruto would never cut himself. Period. A few of my friends have cut themselves in the past, so I know that it's a fairly common teen issue, but it's completely OOC for Naruto to do something so weak and desperate.
No-real-summary fic
Naruto decides to do something, but why and for who? ... Who cares?
I hate fics with no summary information. Sorry, but I need pairing info if I'm going to read a long-ass fanfic. I don't want to waste my time on a SasuSaku or someshit.
Ebil villagers fic
The villagers try to kill Naruto, so he runs away... Join the masses!
Tons of these about. Some, mind you, actually have a decent plot, but most are unrealistic and badly written. Naruto would not put up with shit from the villagers and he certainly wouldn't let them cheat/rape/beat him. He'd kick ass first.
< /end rant list >
The fic summaries in this list are written by me and are meant as examples only. They mostly concern the common types of stories found on Fanfiction.Net, when searching for SasuNaru fics.
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of stellar fanfics out there, I'm just tired of seeing so many crappy/samey ones popping up in the search results.