Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Feelin' Good!

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All is well, and I am feeling pretty darn good. Despite the explosive fight I had with my brother earlier, and the fact that my throat hurts from shouting my vocal chords to bloody ribbons, I have been feeling very content lately.

Well, I've caught up with both the anime and the manga of Naruto. But I'm not going to go into my thoughts and theories on Naruto here, I'll save all of those for my AIM chats with you, Sasha! ^_~ So from now on, I'm going to be eagerly awaiting each new episode and chapter.

I've also started to watch episodes of Avatar on YouTube. It is a very amusing American animated series. Here's a link to the first episode - link

Oh yes, and I've been messing around with this blog's template for the past few days, and now I'm finally content with its appearance, so I'm leaving it at that. I've added a new link to my list - AMV Archive - this is where I'm going to be posting all of my favourite AMVs. It's basically just an archive for posts from December 2005 (before I even got this blog), but I adjust the date on the AMV posts so that they go straight into this new archive. I only have two AMVs there at the moment, but I'll post more later. So if you're interested, check it out.

Later! XD

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