Thursday, June 15, 2006

10-RANKAI & Ships

Hello, all! This week I've been so incredibly busy, but I bring you a big-ass update anyway. I have lots to share that I've been saving up.

Chapter 311 is out on NarutoFan. It's a very awesome chapter, indeed. Oh yeah, I'll be using the below spoiler warning from now on. It clarifies things a bit.

**Spoilers for 311**

The first part of the chapter with Sai in all his robot-boy cuteness was very refreshing. And it was especially interesting to see teen Sakura and Naruto in civvies! Heh heh! And the part where Naruto reflects on his recent meeting with Sasuke is just so heart-rending. Poor Naruto... That flashback scene and Naruto's expression will make for a good AMV one day. But the coolest part was the last page:-
Naruto Could Surpass Kakashi After This Training
Click to View Full-Size
It got my blood going, I was so excited. Sorry, but that's what that blond kid does to me. Heh heh! I can't wait to see what training he'll be doing. And no, I don't think he'll be working out in a Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
**End of Spoilers**
Naruto is Ready to goDon't LeaveKyuubi Naruto Rasengan
100x100, avs by me, art not. Use them freely.
I'm still working on that Fanfiction Rec List... Okay, so maybe I'm not. But I'll be starting on it very soon ... promise!

In the mean time, enjoy this Japanese gallery site, mostly devoted to Sasuke - 10-RANKAI. There are so many brilliant pictures on this site. If you browse you're liable to become an even bigger Sasuke-fangirl; I know I did. After visiting this site Sasuke officially became my second favourite character. My fave is Naruto himself, if you couldn't tell! ^^;;

If you read this blog often, you'll know that I'm a big fan of Team Seven, and of SasuNaru and NaruSaku. I dislike SasuSaku, mostly because I see it as not only incredibly boring but very unrealistic. Let's face it, people; Sasuke only barely saw Sakura as a friend, she'll never be more to him than that.

As for Sai, the new addition to Team Seven, well I think I'm starting to like SaiSaku. They're so adorable together, though I'm still quite certain that Sakura is eventually going to get with Naruto. Still, if I was a hard-core SasuNaru fan, then I'd be tempted to ship Sakura out of the way with Sai. It never quite pleases me when she's shoved off with Lee, just because he has a slight crush on her. But SaiSaku is genuinely sweet, in my opinion.
KakaNaru Icon, Holding Hands
I'm also a NejiNaru, NaruGaa/GaaNaru, ItaNaru, and yes, KakaNaru fan. But with KakaNaru it isn't romance that I like, I just love how adorable their interaction is. I don't think I could bring myself to read KakaNaru smut. It's like GaiLee, entertaining in the father-son, teacher-student kind of way.
My favourite pairings that do not include Naruto are probably LeeGaa, SaiSaku, KibaHina, ShikaTem and ChouIno.
My favourite crack pairings are ItaDei, ItaKisa, KisaGai and GaiKaka.

Well, that's it for now. If you want reading material, then here's a link to my FanFiction.Net profile - nettieneko on FF.Net. I only have two little One-Shots published there, but you will find some very good yaoi fics in my favourites.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im totally in love whit kakanaru °w° so cute

i like ur blog! >_<